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Common Food Mistakes To Avoid When You’re Pregnant

By Anne-Laure Mignon - Madame Figaro
18 May,2021

A question asked frequently: What should I eat when I’m pregnant? If you think you know it all, then the following is about to surprise you. Here’s a list of mistakes you should avoid when you’re pregnant, courtesy of Anne-Laure Meunier, dietician and nutritionist.

If pregnancy is synonymous with joy and happiness, it does however have some inconvenience. In particular, for nine months, you should be taking care of your eating habits. A diet - you surely know it - without raw meat or fish. 

For pregnant women, carpaccio, sushi and sashimi are kind of prohibited because they could be contaminated by listeria, a bacterium dangerous for the fetus. You’ll also say goodbye to cold meats, and even badly washed raw vegetables if you are not immune to toxoplasmosis (a parasitic infection that is also dangerous for the baby). 

But, is this all? Are there other foods we should be cautious around? Yes, so here are 5 food pregnancy-related common mistakes and Anne-Laure Meunier helps us spot them.



No Tea nor Coffee AT ALL?

The consumption of caffeine and theine should definitely be limited during pregnancy, but this doesn’t mean you should stop them completely. For example, you can take a little espresso in the morning to boost your energy. “We recommend 300 mg of caffeine or theine maximum per day for a pregnant woman. Simply, we must not forget that caffeine is present both in coffee, but also in tea, in certain energy drinks and hot chocolate… We must therefore be careful to count everything in order not to exceed the authorized 300 mg.”, Warns the dietician. 


Eat cooked salmon?

Even cooked, some fatty fish should be avoided during pregnancy. Example: herring, eel, tuna and especially salmon. "Rich in heavy metals, they can be dangerous for the fetus in too high doses", warns the health professional. For nine months, we therefore favor small fish: anchovies, sardines and mackerel.


Have zero worries when looking at the dessert menu?

Indeed, during pregnancy, it is better to be wary of raw eggs and preparations incorporating this ingredient. "During these nine months, the immune system of pregnant women weakens to protect their unborn baby," explains Anne-Laure Meunier. “They are therefore more susceptible to infections like salmonella, a bacteria found in eggs that only cooking can eradicate.”


Only one spoonful of mayonnaise?

Not only for the reasons just mentioned about raw eggs but also because "when they come from artisanal production, bakery or restaurant, the cold chain may have been broken", specifies the doctor.


How much is too much soy?

“While soy and soy products are indeed a good protein alternative, they contain phytoestrogens, hormones that can interfere with the hormonal system of mother and child. We therefore recommend that pregnant women limit soy foods to a maximum portion per day. "explains Anne-Laure Meunier.



Is pasteurized cheese safe enough?

Extremely rich in calcium and protein, cheese is essential for a smooth pregnancy. But not just any type of cheese. raw milk cheeses that could be contaminated with listeria, bacteria that is dangerous for the fetus. Eat only cheeses made from pasteurized milk and favor cooked pasta. “However, it is imperative to remove the rind of the cheese (even washed) before tasting. It is a prolific ground for bacteria” recalls the dietician.


Eat the leftovers?

"we advise pregnant women to keep the remains of their meals for 48 to 72 hours maximum," says the nutritionist . "Moreover, they should definitely not be left at room temperature. Once out of the refrigerator, heat them up immediately to prevent the proliferation of bacteria”, she adds.


Eat offals for their iron content?

Pregnant women should avoid eating offal, especially liver during pregnancy. “The liver is certainly rich in proteins and iron, but it is also very rich in retinol (vitamin A). Too much vitamin A can be dangerous for your baby. And this even if the liver is well cooked” warns the health professional.