3 Plank Exercises to Do at Home
You don’t need the gym’s machines and equipment, to have a flat stomach or at least to tone your stomach muscles, as you can do simple exercises at home. With a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will achieve a flat stomach.
Here are 3 plank exercises you can do during lockdown which help you tone your abs:
Lay down on your stomach, plant your elbows directly under shoulders and tuck your toes. Hold on for 30 seconds while keeping you back straight and pushing your muscles.
Jumping Jacks Plank
Do the plank position on your elbows, while maintaining this, jump in and out as if you are doing some jumping jacks. Continue for 30 seconds, then rest. Repeat the exercise.
Mountain Climber Plank
Again, use the plank position. Now, instead of jumping you’re going to bend one knee toward your elbow, then do the same motion on the opposite side. Continue alternating sides for 30 seconds. Rest then repeat.