5 Signs you have a weak immune system

Evaluate yourself to prevent Coronavirus
By Mariam El Bacha
11 Mar,2020

Coronavirus threatens us all, especially people with a weak immune system who cannot fight the virus properly. Once someone with a weak immune system is infected with coronavirus, he will suffer from heavy symptoms. With the Coronavirus outbreak, you probably are asking yourself: Do I have a weak immune system?

In fact, there are several signs that indicate your immune system is not good. All you have to do is read the following, and evaluate your health and the things you usually deal with on normal days or when you catch the flu. 

Note that your immunity can be affected by your level of stress, fatigue, lack of sleep and diet, according to Eren Palinski-Wade, author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet and Swisse Wellness.

5 Signs of a Weakened Immune System


Ongoing Digestive Issues

"Research is finding more and more links between immunity and gut flora," nutritionist Lisa Richards says. Thus, it’s no surprise that a weakened immune system is linked to chronic digestive problems, such as bloating, gas, or constipation.


Catch Every Cold

Constantly catching colds and other viruses is a sign your body has a weakened to fight off the germs exposed to on a regular basis, Palinski-Wade says. This is a sign your immune system is not strongly equipped to fight viruses.


Always Tired

Many reasons can make you feel exhausted, a weakened immune system might be one of them, especially if it is accompanied with unknown symptoms like achy joints, upset stomach, and decreased appetite. Discuss these symptoms with your doctor.


Longer recovering than usual

If you find yourself stuck with flu for more than 2 – 3 days, a weakened immune system is to blame. Any other infection that takes you more time to recover than the normal time, can be a sign that your immune is weak. However you can take immune-boosting supplements  probiotics, Vitamin C or olive leaf extract.



Do you frequently have fungus or ear infections more than 4 times per year? It could be yet another sign your immune system isn't functioning properly. Better discuss it with your doctor.