Kanye West Teared Up in his First Presidential Rally
After announcing his candidacy for the US presidential elections, rapper Kanye West held his first presidential rally in South Carolina, where he talked about family and personal matters, including several topics like international trade, abortions, licensing rights. The video went viral as he spoke about family before breaking down in tears.
During his presidential rally, West revealed that he and his wife, Kim Kardashian wanted to abort their first baby North.
The couple was discussing for 3 months about abortion, but he had a recall from God that inspired him to keep the child. He called Kim, who told him that she decided to keep the baby as well.
"So even if my wife were to divorce me after this speech, she brought North into the world, even when I didn't want to,” he stated.
Kanye teared up when he was telling that the same thing happened to his mother who saved his life while his father wanted her to get anto abortion.
The presidential candidate insisted that abortion should not be banned in the United States, but he does not support it and suggested a million dollars for “everybody that has a baby.”
However, Kim Kardashian was not happy about it, and she is considering filing a divorce if her husband, Kanye, does not withdraw from his presidential campaign, after revealing that they were thinking of aborting their daughter North, according to the Daily Mail.
West later told his wife and her mother, Kris, that “The only reason he'd say this was because he needed something big to draw attention to his campaign.''
Kanye also claimed in a series of tweets that his wife, Kim, was flying with a doctor to South Carolina to lock him up after abortion rant, before deleting the tweets later.