Kim Kardashian’s Fight with Kourtney Behind the Scenes
Was it part of the show?
01 Apr,2020
Kim Kardashian took us behind the scenes of her nasty fight with Kourtney, which was broadcasted on KUWTK. During a small interview with Tonight Show’s host, Jimmy Fallon, Kim said:” I feel like she doesn’t want to really film anymore… She's not the type of person to make a decision and say, 'Okay guys, I'm not gonna film.' But she would come to work with an attitude every day, take it out on everyone from the crew to us”.
Kim admitted that was it was their reality at the moment and thus it made it to air, but it’s not intended, she said: “Kris Jenner cried when she first saw the clip”.
As for her relation with Kourtney, Kim said that they are fine and they stopped filming for a week after, “this isn't our type of show”.