Following their success in Paris, and after making worldwide headlines for their international collaboration with Victoria’s Secret, the House of AW MOUZANNAR launched their new 2017 collection at Liza Beirut on Saturday. It was a blissful gathering of friends, VIP clients, and select media who for the first time viewed the making of the three million dollar Victoria’s Secret Bright Night Fantasy Bra. The fantasy bra worn by angel Jasmine Tookes is currently up for sale, showcased at the Victoria’s Secret flagship store, to be followed by a world tour.
The new 2017 collection was preciously created by the 6th generation designers of The House, Dori and Alia Mouzannar. The exhibition showcased new additions to Dori’s nature inspired Meteor, Matrix, and Spine collection involving multiple shades, complex shapes, and various sizes of stones. Alia’s music and art inspired Facet, Sketches and Twiggy collection captures the underlying poetry and message within each unique piece of jewelry demonstrating the art of jewels.
The two talented designers continuously reinvent the brand while encompassing their precious heritage of artisanship since 1860. This successful event proves once again that The House moves far beyond their love for jewelry to prove today their love for their Lebanese heritage and roots. The House of AW MOUZANNAR has always been a signature of trust, loyalty, authenticity, quality, and expertise while endlessly creating a history of timeless excellence.
AW Mouzannar collections can be viewed using the following: @awmouzannar #awmouzannar
@Dorimouzannar #Dorimouzannar #signedwitharuby
@Aliamouzannar #Aliamouzannar #storiesandjewelry