What’s your under-eye circle type?
Did you know that there are more than one type of dark circles under the eyes, and that each type has a different cause and treatment? After reading this article, all your eye beauty problems will vanish in no time!
If your under-eye discoloration is rather bluish, it means you’re one of the lucky ones! Having bluish under-eye circles means you’re not getting enough sleep or that you’re stressed out. All you need is a good night of sleep and maybe some meditation, and you’ll be as good as new.
Do you have violet red under-eye circles? In that case, it means that your skin is thinning due to skin aging, and that therefore, the blood vessels are more visible. The solution? Retinol-based eye creams to thicken the skin under the eyes and make the blood vessels less visible.
Your under-eye area could become brownish-black if you get too exposed to the sun in a long period of time, and the shadowy discoloration is due to the aging of your skin. This is the most severe type of under-eye circles, so what you have to do is use brightening eye creams and retinoids. If that doesn’t work, go for IPL (intense pulse light), laser therapy or fillers.