Daddy, can I shave too?

You will be surprised by the number of women who do it.
02 Jun,2017

Are you a girly girl on the inside but your girl stash is getting in the way? There are many solutions for this common issue such as laser hair removal, electrolysis, waxing or tweezing, but some of us preferred our daddy’s morning routine: shaving.
Even though this beauty hack isn’t considered very feminine, you will be surprised by the number of women who do it. Why do they do it? Because it’s practically painless and the work is done within seconds. We all think that those who swear by the razor blade are more likely to get thick black hair that will grow faster, but it was not Marilyn Monroe’s case. The musical legend used to shave her face, and according to her, it made her skin smoother.
Some wouldn’t even think twice about it since the 60s sex symbol opted for this method, but other simply wouldn’t dare. Would you follow Monroe’s (and daddy’s) steps?