Add some magic to your life!
What if life wasn't always the same routine with its share of disappointments? There are magnificent things out there if you bother looking around. But how can you do it?
A good inner energy is a must: We sometimes develop a negative energy that poisons us day after day and prevents us from seeing all the beautiful things that life gives us daily. Try spending time meditating or practicing yoga, get rid of all these inner poisons to let the good thoughts sink in! It's like being in the same mood all year long, as if you've been on vacation on a dream island!
Trust your motivation: We all have friends who always smile and succeed in everything. But how are they? They're enthusiastic because they're motivated. And they are motivated because they listen to their deepest convictions. And yes, when you don't take the easy way out, love what you do and stick to your dreams, life is really beautiful. Try it for a day and you'll know what we're talking about!
Let go: When you live in a positive energy with good intentions and a well-thought life project which you know will be accomplished, you have to know how to let go... Be attentive to the signs as they will lead you to the right path, and know how to rely on magic so that it can do its job.
For the rest of the article, check our October 2016 issue.