Gym Makeup: Yes, But…

To makeup or not to makeup?
03 May,2017

Makeup and sports don't mix. We can already imagine the foundation melting, the mascara leaking between a push-up and a squat... and you can forget all about your flawless complexion. The foundation won't let your skin 'breathe' with all that sweat, so be careful not to get pimples! Say NO to excess products. So remove all your makeup before your gym session, and don't forget to put some moisturizer right after your shower to keep your skin fresh. However, if you have very dry or sensitive skin, you can simply apply a light cream before exercise. If your skin problems are too harsh, you can consult a dermatologist rather than camouflage your face with foundation.

For those who can't stand the thought of letting their beauty routine go, even when going to the gym, here is the solution: keep it light. Try to avoid foundation and instead opt for a BB cream to cover some small imperfections and maintain a radiant skin. And if mascara is a must, then why not! But choose a waterproof mascara to avoid leaking incidents. The beautista in you can't help putting on lipstick? Go for some tinted lip balm for a natural and pulpy look.