Gray Blending is the Perfect New Way To Transition Your Hair
Going gray? This new hair color technique will help you embrace your gray locks while looking amazing.
The first lockdown led many of us women to have to deal, on our own, with our white hair, but owning natural white locks can be complicated sometimes. So, the new “Gray Blending” technique is here to give you the gorgeous way to switch to white hair smoothly.
White hair is definitely a sign of the years passing in our lives. "For many, they are synonymous with getting old, which makes it not the usual go-to” says Morgane Stephanazzi, founder of the salon l'Endroit Paris in France. Some public figures, from Letizia of Spain to Sophie Fontanel, have helped to change these mentalities. The first lockdown amid the pandemic also shook things up. Forced to have to cope with the closing of their favorite salons, some women went for some homemade hair colors when others decided to embrace their white locks. “This clearly made some of the customers accept gray hair, even if not the majority”.
A More Uniform Effect
A new technique called “Gray Blending” makes it possible to solve the tricky issue of unsightly roots. “This gray balayage doesn't really differ from the classic technique. Here, we color rather fine locks but on the majority of the hair” explains the hairdresser. "The idea is to bleach to get closer to this natural gray-white rendering and then to patina the locks in white." A perfect process for all those who want to take on this hair evolution by embracing the natural white strands among those that have been colored.
For the founder of the L’Endroit Paris, the advantage of this sweeping is mainly the way to support the regrowth of the roots. “This hair color technique is appreciated by those who are trying to have a uniform and elegant result, which can sometimes take up to 5 years. With a sweep, we choose the perfect highlights that will blend away grays or spotlight them.”
What about brunettes?
Morgane Stephanazzi warns that this technique is not necessarily suitable for everyone. “It primarily targets those who have at least 50% white hair. Otherwise, regrowth will be very complicated, especially on brown hair”. For others, she recommends adopting the classic techniques. "If the white hair is concentrated on the top of the head or on the temples, we prefer a tone on tone with a lighter color, which has very little oxidation and fades over time. This does not really require maintenance nor constant touch-ups”.
For fair hair, a blond sweep can also accompany the appearance of chalk highlights. The manager of l’Endroit Paris does not recommend it to brunettes either. “The problem always remains at the time of regrowth, which will require significant maintenance to keep an elegant result. Coloring remains the best solution for them”.