Banana crumble for a quick dessert

All you need for this weather
By Admin
02 Jan,2020


 The crumble

  • 5 bananas
  • Zest and juice of 1 organic lime 
  • 100 g softened butter
  • 100 g brown sugar  
  • 150 g almond powder 

 Chocolate sauce

  • 15 cl of liquid cream
  • 150 g of 65% dark chocolate
  • 1 g Espelette pepper



Prepare the crumble. Cut 4 bananas into rings, sprinkle with lime juice and sprinkle with zest.  Cut the last banana in half lengthwise. Mix the butter, 80 g brown sugar, and almond powder to make a crumble.  Spread the banana rings on the bottom of a cast-iron casserole dish. Sprinkle with the dough. Add the halved banana to the crumble.  Sprinkle with the rest of the brown sugar and bake for 25 minutes at 170 ° C / th. 5-6. Prepare the chocolate sauce. Boil the cream, 7.5 cl of water, and the Espelette pepper.  Remove from the heat, add the chocolate cut into pieces and mix well. Serve immediately with the banana crumble.

 © Marie-Pierre Morel