Pharrell Williams Just Opened A Beautiful New Hotel In Miami
Singer, songwriter, record producer and fashion designer Pharrell Williams just opened The Goodtime Hotel in South Beach, Florida. Keep scrolling for a virtual private tour of this “happy” spot with 266 marshmallow-colored rooms.
After two restaurants, “ToShare” in Saint-Tropez and “Swan” already in Miami, musician Pharrell Williams is once again teaming up with nightlife mogul David Grutman for a hotel. The Goodtime Hotel, the singer’s very first hotel, opened in mid-April in the presence of David and Victoria Beckham, Kim Kardashian and rapper Future. This exuberant style venue hosts a restaurant called Strawberry Moon, which is likely to be the future it-spot of the year. “We want it to give both a sense of revitalization and that rare, exciting thrill that takes over when you discover something special. It’s that adrenaline rush, of entering a whole new setting and a whole new state of mind. This place will provide a natural good time for all who those who pass by.” says Pharrell Williams.
A Retro Vibe
For this project conceived as a "getaway in the middle of the city, an experience in its own right that leaves worries and anxieties at the door", Pharrell Williams and David Grutman have called in the architect Morris Adjmi, the designer Ken Fulk and the landscaper Raymond Jungles. The successful trio unleashed their creativity and came up with a striped tiled lavish pool punctuated by a central alley decorated with palm trees, a star pool house with shaded bungalows, a green patio, and a lobby decorated with tropical panoramic wallpaper, fringed lighting and wicker floor lamps in the shape of giraffes or elephants...
The 3,000 m², 7-floors property combines an Art Deco atmosphere with a Wes Anderson kitsch spirit - a library is inspired by Margot Tenenbaum, a character played by Gwyneth Paltrow in The Tenenbaum Family. The Art Deco style is reinvented in the 266 elegant rooms combining light wood, warm materials and pastel tones between mint green and pale pink: a new craze in Miami.