FASHION | Celebrities Style

Ahlam’s Style Evolution

From 2012 till now
By Hala Fayyad
28 Feb,2020

Since the beginning of her artistic career, Emirati star Ahlam hasn’t stopped from being in the spotlight, not only through her controversial statements and disagreements with her fellow stars in the Arab world, but also with her style. Her looks have changed drastically over the years, and lately, Ahlam’s style has witnessed an incredible improvement, especially after her weight loss.

For many years, Ahlam's outfits weren’t the best option, thus her style made her look older, for instance her appearances at “Arab Idol”. However, she deliberately changed her style and lost some weight, therefore, her style became more elegant and suitable for her body shape and age. 

 Ahlam is a role model for many Arab women, daring them to wear different colors and shapes in order to look their best. No doubt her audience is now dazzled by her style’s improvement and actually, looks forward to check her outfits each time.

Take a look at the stages of Ahlam’s style evolution (above) in different casual looks spotted from 2012 till 2019. What do you think?