The Best Face Mask to protect you from Coronavirus Spread
Before heading to the pharmacy in order to buy a mask as a precaution from Coronavirus COVid19, you must know that there are different types of masks and there’s one type that could be useful to you.
According to Boldsky,a specialized mask called N95 respirator is believed to protect a wearer from the infected liquid particles and airborne infectious agents entering the mouth and nose. According to theCenters for Disease Prevention (CDP), N95 prevent 95% of airborne infectious agents, including virus and bacteria.
The mask protects the wearer from tiny infectious particles, gases or vapors according to the type of filter fixed in it. However, this doesn’t mean that the N95 face mask will protect you 100% from the Coronavirus. Also, it is recommended to use it after cleaning your hands, and you shouldn’t keep it for more than 30 minutes. You will need to take some fresh air after reusing it.
Healthcare organizations, such as CDP, don't recommend it yet for public use as wearing these masks for a long time can be challenging.