Tame your Anger

Special teaches you to control your temperament.
By Janine Ayoub
23 Nov,2016

Do you feel rage when you're driving? Do you project your anger on those that matter most to you, or on the contrary, you contain it to the point that it drives you crazy? When it's not well managed, anger can harm the person and all his or her surroundings. Studies associate even irritability and anger with depression, including an observational study active in JAMA Psychiatry. To avoid falling into an unbearable anger problem, Special teaches you to control your temperament.


Learn to breathe

Breathe in deeply through the nose counting up to 4.
Hold your breath counting up to 7.
Exhale through your mouth counting up to 8.
Repeat the technique without pausing, and repeat 3 to 4 times, then resume your normal breathing. This technique will give you time to analyze the situation and dose your reaction.


Let go!

There are days when you have had enough and want to have control over everything that is anything! Except that sometimes we must accept things as they are. When you think about it, most of the time, your crisis was not necessary, and that sometimes you have to accept failures.


Keep your distance

The last thing to do in the midst of anger is to face the problem. If you're unable to calm down, this will only make it worse, as it will add up to your frustration.



La colère : transformer son énergie en sagesse - Thich Naht Hanh
Exprimer sa colère sans perdre le contrôle - Didier Pleux
Vivre sa colère sans violence : La méthode du Tigre - Christian-Tal Schaller
Le pouvoir créateur de la colère - Harriet Lerner