6 Tips to Survive Lockdown

You Need them Now more than ever!
By Vanessa Haber
27 Mar,2020

More than one-week of lockdown has passed, and you are probably feeling like a detainee sentenced for an undetermined time in prison. You have no choice but to try to cope with the situation and find solutions to overcome the lockdown peacefully.

Two experts have shared with us 6 tips on how find inner peace despite the lockdown amid coronavirus outbreak.


  1. Accept what’s going on

French Psychiatrist Céline Tran says: "It is crucial to always stay in the present moment and avoid thinking about the worst to come". Thus, it is recommended to try meditation daily in a quiet room, to "breathe and regulate all these emotions."

  1. Establish a routine

Céline Tran confirms that when we establish a daily routine, it gives us a feeling of mastery and control. Also, this applies to children who need a routine to follow during lockdown. Professor Philippe Gabillet says that the weekend is made to release the tensions of the week, if it becomes a daily habit, it would drain all our energy.

  1. Communicate

Being locked in with the whole family for more than one week, can be very challenging, as it might increase tension between family members. Philippe Gabillet suggests to open your heart and organize discussions to talk about what’s pissing you off without hurting others’ feelings.

  1. Stay Connected

Loneliness can make you feel worse during lockdown. Thus, you can stay connected virtually. Call your friends maybe, keep in touch with family and relatives. This would ease your suffering.   

  1. Non-Coronavirus Conversations

Conversations at home during lockdown should not revolve around the coronavirus, because it will definitely raise fear and anxiety rather than reducing them. Discuss and plan upcoming birthdays, summer holidays for instance.

  1. No Screens

Spending most of your time on phones, tablets or TV during lockdown, will make you feel down. Instead, find a moment to enjoy doing something you love, maybe a physical activity or a certain hobby will improve your mood and make time pass quickly before realizing it.