Mamma Mia 3 Coming up
Here we go again!
10 Aug,2018
Can you believe that the original Mamma Mia movie was released 10 whole years ago? The legendary modern musical, or “jukebox musical” according to the Broadway production, was displayed in cinemas back in 2008. The sequel came out this July, and it was so good that they announced an upcoming Mamma Mia 3.
In Mamma Mia 2, we welcomed new faces in the cast such as Cher who played Sophie's grandmother, Lily James who took the role of younger Donna and Jeremy Irvine, Josh Dylan and Hugh Skinner as younger versions of Sam, Bill and Harry.
Mamma Mia 1 was set in the present while the sequel was mostly focused on 1979. If we follow this logic, maybe Mamma Mia 3 be set in the future. Or maybe not. All we can do is wait and see.