Our Favorite Celebs’ Eating Secrets

05 Jun,2017

Heidi Klum
Heidi Klum sure loves her detox. The supermodel drinks one spoonful of apple cider vinegar daily. This hack can boost your weight loss and lessen your blood pressure!
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence swears by chamomile and dandelion tea. She drinks them before her red carpet appearances, and as a result, no more stage fright! This mixture can steady your nerves before an important event, and it works like a charm.
Zoe Saldana
Saldana, along with her husband and three children, adopt the gluten-free diet. Bye bye pasta and breaded meats! To maintain her stunning figure, the actress consumes protein and veggies for breakfast; mostly green smoothies such as cod liver oil and black sesame seeds. "My skin, my hair, my energy—everything's better," she said.
Miranda Kerr
Miranda Kerr has an amazing body, but every sign of flawlessness has a secret behind it. Hers is a spoonful of unrefined coconut oil that she consumes daily. Bloating is no longer in her vocabulary!