Nutella Causes Cancer? He’re what its creator has to say
It has recently been said that our children’s favorite chocolate spread can cause cancer. It turns out that the palm oil found in Nutella’s hazelnut is a contaminant that can increase cancer risks. In May, the European Food Standards Authority discovered that palm oil is dangerous no matter how much we consume.
Ferrero, the maker of Nutella, shared his thoughts concerning this shocking discovery and launched an advertising campaign to try to reassure his clients. He insists that palm oil is an essential ingredient in his chocolate mixture, and that it’s about its quality rather than its cost. He says the oil gives it a smooth texture which cannot be achieved with other types of oil.
“Making Nutella without palm oil would produce an inferior substitute for the real product, it would be a step backward,” said Ferrero's purchasing manager to Reuters.
Don’t panic yet, the European Food Safety Authority did not however recommend consumers to stop eating it and said further study was needed to assess the level of risk.