Post-holiday detox
With the little gourmet delights and the delicious holiday meals, our body is completely ruined. Now that the New Year has begun, it's necessary to start it with vitality and health, recovering from all the excesses, to eliminate toxins and accumulated calories.
In order to find form and balance, here is a detox cure with our 14 commandments to cleanse the body, regain dynamism, vigor and energy and display a fresh and bright complexion.
The 14 commandments
1- Moisturize to eliminate the waste. Go for special detox herbal teas and mineral waters that are low in salt but rich in magnesium to avoid fatigue.
2- Get rid of all those extra holiday foods and distribute them to neighbors, friends, or office colleagues.
3- Put fresh vegetables such as carrot sticks, celery and cucumber fennel in the fridge. Wash two apples, two pears, two clementines, and put them in a plate within sight!
4- Put some cereals, proteins, antioxidants and fibers in your breakfast. Those components are ideal to cleanse the body and facilitate digestion.
5- Choose poultry or lean fish without its skin, and steam, grill, bake or fry with lemon wedge.
6- Eliminate red meat, sausages, butter and oil that produce waste in the body and an accumulation of toxins.
7- For a few days, make friends with pepper and condiments.
8- Forget the alcoholic and carbonated drinks, in order to give your liver the opportunity to relax.
9- Pamper your liver with infusions and herbal teas, such as black radish and artichoke, or fennel and anise, cinnamon and cloves...
10- In the morning, when you wake up, drink half a lemon juice with a little warm water, it helps stimulate the production of bile and the activity of the kidneys as well as the improvement of the digestion.
11- Prepare tasty compotes without added sugars for dessert or as breakfast.
12- Skip the bread and starchy foods for now.
13- For salad seasonings, fish or poultry, go for lemon juice, herbs, sauces with yoghurt beat, tomato sauce, but don't add any oil!
14- A bowl of yogurt 1 to 2 times a day, because it balances the intestinal flora while regulating the transit and limiting bloating.