7 ways to avoid getting sick this fall

By Ophélie Ostermann – Madame Figaro
23 Oct,2020

The arrival of Autumn means a drop in temperatures, grey sky and the typical cold and flu. Here are 8 fall cures that will prevent you from colds this season.


The Royal Jelly

It's an ultimate fall dish. Secreted by the bees of the hive, it is the food of the queen and the larvae of the colony. And behind the not so attractive white and gelatinous appearance, it hides some 100% healthy benefits. It consists of proteins, sugars, fats, trace elements and above all vitamins which will prevent you from winter colds.




Whenever you feel like your energy is draining and you’re hardly moving your feet every morning, it means your immune system is weaker. Royal Jelly will strengthen your body and will relieve you from stress and fatigue with its Vitamin B, magnesium and amino acids.


Where to find it?

In pharmacies in the form of ampoules or paste. To get pure jelly, you can contact a beekeeper directly. In this case, freeze it to maintain its benefits.

How to consume it?

Take 1 to 3 grams each morning, for 8 to 10 days. Beware of its bitter taste, mix it with honey.




The Propolis

The bees recover this resinous substance during foraging and use it to sanitize the hive. "Propolis contains antioxidants and phenols, whose antiseptic properties are recognized. It prevents the production of germs, viruses and bacteria" told us Dr. Becker, president of the AFA (Francophone Association of Apitherapy).




Where to find it?

At the pharmacy, in capsules for adults, in syrup for kids, or in organic and bio healthy food stores.

How to consume it?

One capsule two to three times a day for one to two weeks. Beware of excess (more than 120 milligrams per kilo per day): in too large a quantity, propolis causes kidney disease and liver problems.




Barbados Cherry (Acerola)

It is Ideal before the arrival of fall and winter. “This excellent toner is rich in vitamin C, an essential antioxidant for immune health and helps prevent winter ailments" says naturopath Vanesa Lopez.




Where to find it?

In pharmacies or in organic and in health food stores.

How to consume it?

We favor natural forms, better assimilated by the body. 1000 milligrams a day are enough throughout the cold season.




Citrus fruits

This time, you don’t need to go to pharmacies or organic stores, just buy organic citrus fruits to remedy your continued fatigue. "Full of vitamin C, citrus fruits give you an anti-fatigue effect, heal you faster when you are sick, and help in your fight", says pharmacist Thomas Kassab.




Where to find them?

In the market.

How to consume them?

Squeeze an orange or two every morning and enjoy three kiwis a day. You can make this your routine throughout the cold season.





They form a real shield against the germs, microbes and other bacteria that could be hanging around us. Our intestines contain good bacteria that are used to digest but also to protect us from the environment. Probiotics "develop the intestinal flora, make it more resistant and less permeable to viruses", explains the pharmacist.




Where to find it?

In pharmacies.

How to consume it?

For a preventive action, start today and keep taking one capsule every morning for a month. 





Are you feeling that your energy is draining day after day? Treat yourself with the coneflower, a plant that has always been used to boost the body’s energy by stimulating the immune system. Thus "the body is better armed and less sensitive to the germs and bacteria" adds the doctor of pharmacy Thomas Kassab.




Where to find it?

In pharmacies or organic and health food stores.

How to consume it?

In capsule or tablet for adults, syrup for the kids. Take it in the morning and at night for two to three weeks. You can start a cure even if you have already finished a bad cold, coneflower will get you back on your feet faster.



Grapefruit seed extract

This cure has been recognized as a natural antibiotic for about fifteen years, thanks to the hard work of Dr. Jacob Harich. It is rich in antioxidants. "it is powerful and effective in both prevention and treatment" indicates naturopath Vanessa Lopez. It also supports the immune system and puts us back to life faster when in colds and fatigue.





Where to find it?

In pharmacy or organic store.

How to consume it?

It is preferred to be organic, to avoid fraudulent extracts of poor quality and in liquid form. 20 drops diluted in a drink, three times a day for three weeks to a month. For three weeks to a month, 20 drops three times a day, diluted in a drink. Be careful not to mix the drops in a hot drink as this might reduce the benefits.

Always seek advice from a specialist.


