Youssra Wishes Adel Imam a Special Happy Birthday
Celebrities are still sending their wishes to Adel Imam on his 80th birthday, which is celebrated on 17th May, including the iconic Egyptian star Youssra who posted an Instagram video to wish him a happy birthday.
Youssra made the video which shows the most popular scenes of her with Adel Imam in many Egyptian movies, as they were people’s favorite acting duo in the 80s and 90s.
Youssra commented on the video by saying:
"May you be, every year, the zaïm of art and the zaïm of my life… Of course, my words are not enough and will never express my gratitude towards you, I want to thank you for everything, for my success in both my professional and personal life, as you were always there for me, supporting me in every step. My career with you is one of the most beautiful journeys in my life. You left a great impact in it ... Happy birthday and may you always be the number one comedian in the Arab world.”
Youssra starred with Adel Imam in 17 movies, including: El EnsanYeishMarra, Bobbos, Terrorism and Kebabs, Touyour El Zalam, Ala Bab El Wazir, Al Mouled and others.