3 Post-Holiday Detox Recipes For A Fresh Start

By Samar Maatouk
04 Jan,2022

Now that festivities are over and as you are heading into the new year after enjoying the most delicious dishes and exceptional ingredients that, in many cases, can be full of calories, sugar, carbs, and more, we have come up with three recipes that will definitely detox your body and put you back on a healthy track and diet. Try them and you won't regret it!


شوربة الغاسباتشو الخضراء


Green gaspacho soup


2 green tomatoes

Quarter of a cucumber

Quarter of a yellow pepper

1 green lime

1 Spring onion

1 tablespoon of olive oil





Peel then cut into small cubes the tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. Put the vegetables with the salt, olive oil, lemon juice and onions in the electric mixer. Mix well until smooth. Keep in the fridge until serving.


شوربة الكرافس والكراث بالكمّون


Celery and leek cumin broth


Half celery

3 leeks

¼ cup of soy cream

Half a teaspoon of cumin seeds

1 Teaspoon ground cumin

½ lemon

Salt and pepper to taste



Peel and chop the celery, then put in a pot on the stove with lemon juice, cumin and water.

Cook for five minutes after boiling.

Chop the leeks, then add to the mixture over low heat with cream for 30 minutes.

Add salt and pepper before serving.


حساء البطاطس والعدس


Potato and lentil soup


100 grams of lentils

200 grams of potatoes

2 Carrots

1 Celery

1 Tablespoon butter

10 Tablespoons soy sauce

Cumin powder


150 mg fresh cream



Peel and chop the potatoes, carrots and celery. Melt the butter, then add the lentils and vegetables.

Add 1 liter of water and cook until boiling. Cook for an additional 20 minutes.

Mash the mixture, then add half the amount of cream, soy sauce, cumin and pepper.

Pour into cups and garnish with the remaining amount of cream before serving.